The first time somebody suggested we turn Experience Life magazine into a TV show, I just about spewed my tea. I am notoriously camera shy. And I have never been a huge fan of TV.
On the other hand, I could see their point. The magazine is so full of great content, and its mission — helping people live healthier, happier lives — translated perfectly to TV’s “show me how” environment.
So we came up with a fun idea — part reality show, part in-the-field experiences and interviews. We shot the pilot back in 2013 and are still deciding what to do with it.
Above is the “sizzle reel,” which offers a few snippets of the larger show concept and the personal experience that sparked the idea for magazine itself.
Among other things, it gives you a sneak peek behind the scenes of our editorial meetings, and a sense of what happens as we dig into the topics we think our readers/viewers will find compelling. From overcoming gym jitters to giving your bedroom a Feng Shui makeover.
I’d love to hear your feedback — and your ideas. What TV show do you do you WISH someone would make? Which topics do you wish a healthy-happy-living show would cover? What territory do you think other shows are overlooking or giving short shrift?